Sunday, June 9, 2013

#951: Breakfast Sandwiches for the Week

If the title of this post/recipe doesn't get your attention then you must not be a breakfast lover.  I love breakfast sandwiches, but I don't always take time to eat or make breakfast for myself.  However, if I had breakfast sandwiches in my house every day, I can guarantee I would be grabbing one as I walk out the door every morning.  Personally I prefer my breakfast sandwiches with sausage patties, but I love turkey bacon too, so I figured I'd give this recipe a try as is. 

These are fabulous fresh (not reheated).  I wasn't sure I was going to love them but the egg patties were wonderful, especially the peppers.  Reheated these are a little chewy.  Still good, but not fabulous.  I think when I make these again I'm going to freeze bacon cooked and cut in half and keep the eggs frozen too.  Then I'll just pop those in the microwave, toast up some English muffins and it will be ready to go.  Just as easy, but tastes even better.

1/2 lb turkey bacon, cooked
6 whole wheat English muffins
6 American cheese slices
Eggs (5 egg whites and 1 egg) (I used 1 cup of egg substitute)
½ c red bell pepper, diced (I used onion, broccoli and peppers)

Preheat Oven to 350.  Combine eggs and veggies.  Grease a muffin pan (6 count).  Add 1/6 of the egg mixture into each muffin cup.  Bake in the oven for about 20 minute or until eggs are cooked through and set. 

Top one side of each  muffin with a slice of cheese. Place bacon on top of cheese and egg muffin on the other half. 

Preheat your indoor grill to 425 degrees. You do not have to use a grill. You could toast the English muffins in your toaster or toast them in your oven. Depending on how big your grill is, place your muffins on and close it as far as you can. Cook until both sides are golden. (5-6 minutes)

Wrap the sandwiches in wax paper and store in the freezer.  To reheat, microwave for 2-3 minutes.

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