Wednesday, June 26, 2013

1,000 Recipes and Counting

When I started on this journey of trying out the ridiculous number of recipes accumulating in my recipe box, my goal was to try one new recipe a week for a year.  My goal was 52 recipes.  When I started this blog, I never dreamed I would be posting my 1,000th recipe. 

A huge thank you to everyone who has ever given me a reason to make a new recipe (book club, birthday party, family gathering, etc.) as well as anyone who has been subjected to actually eat the new recipes I made.  My family has eaten so many new meals because of this.  I'm sure they are missing some of our old standby meals. 

And a slight apology for taking pictures of your meal before I served it.  (That's for you dad!) 


  1. I love your blog and all the great recipes… and I like when you are honest and admit that something didn't get eaten by anyone but you… or that everyone else liked it, but you didn't. You are amazing!
