Sunday, February 3, 2013

Homemade Idea: Keeping Basil Fresh

I don't know about you guys, but I cannot keep basil fresh in the fridge for long at all.  I pretty much need to buy it right before I need to use it.  It always ends up getting wilty and turning brown.  So when I came across this idea on Pinterest to keep it in a jar on your fridge, I was more than happy to test out the theory to see if it worked.  So far the basil has been on my counter for 3 days now and is still looking super green and fresh.  I'll try to remember to update this later and let you know how long it lasted. 

All you need to do is put a wet paper towel on the bottom of a mason jar, add the basil and put the lid on really tightly.  Keep in a cool spot on your counter.  (So not on the stove or above the dishwasher).   Every 2 days I plan to get the paper towel wet again.  Finally, I have a way to keep basil!!

Update: Okay this only lasted 4 days for me on my counter.  Although I did not think that was long enough, it definitely lasted longer for me on the counter than it normally does on the fridge. Next time I'm going to try doing the same thing but putting it in the fridge. 

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