Friday, August 7, 2015

#1,585: Fruit "Sushi"

Let me start by saying, my kids are not big rice eaters.  I don't know why, because I love the stuff (don't eat it often, but love it).  So I didn't have super high expectations for this recipe and my kids.  Unfortunately I  was right, they didn't love this, but they at least tried it.  Bonus points for that.  

It was really easy to make and you can make this with whatever fruit your kids like best.  We had fresh peaches so I decided to use that in ours.  I thought these were okay, but nothing I would go crazy for.  It says to freeze for 2-3 hours, but I really think that is unnecessary.  I DO think you need to let these chill in the fridge for a while to set up more, but when I froze these, we then had to wait for it to thaw so we could actually eat them (FYI they were terrible frozen).  

If you try it, let me know in the comments if your kids liked these and what fruits you used! might want to check out the original recipe which has photos on how to make this.  Although this is super simple, if you are a visual learner like I am, looking at the pictures might help this make a little more sense!

1 cup cooked rice (about 1/3 a cup per roll)
1 ½ very ripe bananas
Any fresh fruit that you desire

Mash the cooked rice with the banana.  Lay out a piece of plastic wrap and spread the rice mixture into a rectangular shape about the depth of your pinky finger. 

Layer desired fruit(s) in a neat, tight row on one side of your rice rectangle.  Pull one side of the plastic wrap up and gently roll the fruit sushi together.  Stick the roll into the freezer (I think the fridge is better!!) for two hours to help solidify the rice.

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