As a busy (and working) mom, it’s important for me to
spend time with my kids while still getting things done! For me, there are two
times in our day when it is hardest to have everyone with me: when doing
household chores and when out in public. One way that I can keep my littlest
kids closest to me is using a baby
carrier. I never had one with my first child, and honestly don’t know how I
managed life sometimes. No I do know…I never got anything done! When she went
through stages of never wanting to be put down, I literally got nothing else
done. Don’t get me wrong, I loved holding her but as a working mom, sometimes I
NEEDED to get things done that required me being hands free! Fast forward to my
second and third kids and I got smart enough to finally invest in a BabyBjörn
carrier…best decision I ever made!
The BabyBjörn Baby
Carrier One is a carrier that you can wear with infants as small as 8
pounds, all the way up to three year old toddlers. It’s a great,
multifunctional, ergonomic, and comfortable carrier that allows you to safely
and easily stay in close contact with your child. The carrier has a four-way
design which allows you to carry your child either front inward facing (high on the chest for newborns or a little lower for older babies), front outward facing (5 months and up), or carried on your back (12 months and up). It has an adjustable design
with a pressure-relieving belt, and extra-thick padded shoulder straps for
maximum comfort.
The Baby Carrier One has firm, adjustable head support
for secure and proper positioning of the baby’s head and neck. The legs and
hips are held in an ergonomically correct position that is recommend by
pediatricians. When you carry your child in an upright position, it keeps their
airways free and allows you to check on your baby’s breathing. The carrier
itself has a padded seat, non-chafing seams, and adjustable width for the leg
position. The head support can also be folded down when your baby is facing
Carrying your infant in the Baby Carrier One helps you
stay in close contact and reinforce the parent-child bond from the very
beginning. What is great about this carrier is that your baby is positioned
high up on your chest and close to your heart. Therefore, your newborn is
soothed and reassured by the warmth of your body and the sound of your heart
and voice. Also, as a parent, it helps you learn to recognize and understand
your baby’s needs.

Although my kids are getting older and almost out of the
baby carrier stage, my 3 year old still likes to be held when out in public or
times when we have longer walks. The BabyBjörn Baby
Carrier One is a great option for me to keep him with me, still have my
hands free for the other two, and he thinks it’s fun to “get a piggy back ride”
as we go along with our day.
You can find out more about BabyBjörn Baby Carrier One by
checking them out online. You
can also follow them on Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter.