Sunday, January 18, 2015

#1,420: Pumpkin Spice Hot Buttered Coffee

As I tried to eliminate sugar for the 21 days (I didn't do very well, but could have been much worse!), I'm missed having something "sweet" after my meals.  So I started turning to coffee and hot tea as my saving "sweet" things.  I was excited to try this recipe since I had some pumpkin needing to be used up in my fridge.  I obviously omitted the stevia from this recipe though.  I liked this recipe a lot, but today I'm still missing the sweetness the stevia or sugar would give it.  I cut WAY back on the butter and added just a tiny bit.  I liked this but I didn't love it.  I would make this again, but the pumpkin didn't totally dissolve so I had some settle at the bottom.  No big deal, but I didn't enjoy drinking that last little bit. 

12 oz. Hot Coffee
2 Tbsp. Pumpkin Puree
1 Tbsp. Butter or Ghee
1/4 tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice
Vanilla Stevia (to taste) (I omitted)

In a blender add coffee, pumpkin puree, butter, pumpkin pie spice and stevia.
Whiz on high until frothy.  Serve and enjoy!

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