Sunday, August 10, 2014

August Dinner Menu Plan

Back to school means back to freezer cooking!  The last two weeks I've been slowly making my dinner menu for the rest of August and early September, and have also been making as much ahead of time to have ready in the freezer.  As you can see by the list/calendar below, almost all of our meals are super simple ones and ones we've had before.  We also keep spaghetti and breakfast for dinner in our rotation weekly to keep our grocery bill down just a little.  Sadly, I can't/won't/don't eat most of these meals so I've also got veggie burgers, chicken burgers, and taco meat in the freezer for me to pull out as a protein if needed.  And it will be needed since I can't eat the dinner's I'm preparing for the next 3 nights!  I'm ok with that though...staying on my food plan is more important (i.e. weightloss!).

As you can also see I have a few meals already ready for the 2nd week of September as well.  That week Brian and I both have birthdays, so we will probably eat out on those nights, and I'm sure some of the menu items for August will get bumped to another night if we have a lot of leftovers after a particular dinner.  So hopefully I'm ready through mid-September at least! 

Fortunately I don't have to plan for breakfasts b/c the kids eat at school, Brian eats cereal every morning and I only eat fruit.  That makes it simple.  I also have a separate menu for lunches, but that varies by my mood each week and what I have in the house.  Brian either takes a sandwich or leftovers, M eats at daycare (food provided), and the girls will do hot lunch almost every day.  So really I only have to plan lunches for me and that pretty much consists of protein and veggies so no point in making too detailed of a menu/list. 


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