Saturday, August 30, 2014

#1,324: Monkey Muffins

It's been a while since I made a Pioneer Woman recipe, mainly because they are not super healthy or anywhere near a Paleo-ish plan.  But I made some calzones for dinner and had a little bit of leftover thawed bread dough.  So I took to Google to search for a way to use up this dough, when I came across this recipe for Monkey Muffins.  Now, my muffins look NOTHING like the Pioneer Woman's recipe.  Hers are much more carmelized and gooey looking, but I was also looking to keep these a tiny bit healthier for my family.  So I used less butter and sugar/cinnamon and made a simple powder sugar glaze to lightly drizzle on top.

My family loved these.  There was just enough dough left for each one to have one small muffin...a perfect after dinner treat.  Matthew just kept saying "yum" over and over.  Thanks Pioneer Woman for an easy way to use up some ingredients!!

Leftover Bread Dough
Ground Cinnamon
Sweetened, Condensed Milk (I omitted and used a simple powder sugar glaze)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Add 1/2 teaspoon butter to muffin tins. Sprinkle in sugar and cinnamon.

Roll dough into walnut sized balls.  Place three into each muffin tin. Top with 1/2 teaspoon butter. Sprinkle on more sugar and cinnamon.

Allow dough to rise, if applicable, or just go ahead and bake for 15 minutes, or until golden and bubbly.

Remove from oven and immediately drizzle plenty of sweetened condensed milk over the top of each one. Be generous! Allow rolls to sit for a little while to absorb sweet, sticky milk.

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