Thursday, September 6, 2012

#660: Kale, Strawberry and Banana Smoothie

I am trying to get my girls to get in more fruits and veggies...aren't we always trying to do that?!  So I had some kale in the fridge and decided to make them this smoothie to go with their dinner.  They both loved it!  As long as I call anything green a super hero (smoothie, treat, snack, meal, etc.) they'll usually at least try it!

I'm definitely going to continue making this one!  See the little specks though, that's the kale.  If you have a really good blender it'll probably be much more smooth.  My blender though is just a cheap one so it doesn't do a good job.  I just give the girls a straw to drink it with and it doesn't bother them!

2 leaves kale

1/2 cup strawberries
1/4 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup coconut milk (I used skim)
water (as much as you may need to thin this out)

Toss all ingredients (except water) into your blender and let it go until your desired consistency. If it is too thick, add some water. 

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