Monday, October 8, 2012

#693: Healthy Pumpkin Pie Frappuccinos

I'm assuming you are going to see a lot of upcoming recipes from the same blog (Chocolate-Covered Katie).  Since I am in love with my new blender and can't wait to make as many things as possible in it, I was super excited to try these Frappucinos!

Holy cow are these good!  Granted the first time I made these I used a little too much sugar so it was super sweet, but oooh, oohh I loved these.  Delish.  The worst part of this recipe is getting it to thaw enough to blend.  I might have to wake up and throw it all in the blender so it's ready to go when it's time to leave in the morning.  Mmmmm!

OR make it fresh, cut down on the milk and add ice cubes!  (That's what I did the second was perfect!)

2 cups milk of choice (I used 1 1/2 cups)
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 tsp instant coffee granules (decaf or regular)
scant 1/16 tsp salt
3 tbsp sugar (I used 2 packets of Stevia)
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/4 tsp cinnamon (or pumpkin pie spice)
6 ice cubes (if making it to drink right away)

Mix the ingredients together and pour into ice cube trays.  Freeze.  Once frozen, pop the pumpkin ice cubes and thaw until just soft enough for your blender to be able to handle it, and blend until desired slushiness is reached. Add extra sweetener if needed, but do NOT add ice! It will dilute the flavor. 

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