Saturday, October 23, 2010

#60: Sausage Balls (made with eggs)

I wanted to defrost our deep freezer, so I started digging through it to see what ingredients I had that needed to be used up.  I found that I had a bunch of bulk pork sausage and some turkey bacon, so we decided to make breakfast for dinner.  I found this recipe to use up some of the pork sausage.  This was super easy and really, really yummy!!  Hopefully these will reheat well so the girls can share them with their friends at school, because this recipe made about 50 sausage balls (rough estimate!)

2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
3 eggs, lightly beaten

1 lb bulk pork sausage
3 cups buttermilk biscuit mix
1/4 c milk

1.In a bowl, combine all ingredients (I used my dough hook on my  kitchenaid and mixing was a snap!). Shape into 1-in. balls and place on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees F for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown. Or freeze and bake frozen at 425 degrees F for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.

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