Saturday, February 27, 2016

#1,776: Grain-Free Paleo Crockpot Peach Crisp

Each summer I add endless activities to our summer bucket list, and try to find different activities to do with my kids and family.  Last summer I added "peach picking" to our list and we went on a hot summer day.  But apparently I don't know how to pick the best peaches because mine were either under-ripe or kept molding before they got to that perfect, juicy and sweet texture. So I chopped them up and threw them in the freezer. 

Of course I'm not going to waste half of my freshly picked peach stash go straight to the freezer or trash as they kept molding, so I did some research on the best ways to keep peaches from molding.  Did you know that you are NEVER supposed to squeeze a peach?!  Well that's certainly one of my problems.  Every time you squeeze a peach it starts to rot in that spot within hours.  I know we squeezed them multiples times from the time we picked them on the trees to the countless times I was checking on them at home to see if they were ripe yet. And you have to store them stem side down on either a linen napkin or paper bag, but never terry cloth fabric as it holds onto the moisture and encourages mold.  (Problem number 2 for me!).  I was ready to give up on peach picking ever again, but I think we might just try it again this summer.  I'm ready for my peaches now!

Back to my under ripe frozen peaches.... Every time I go in my deep freezer these little babies are staring at me, so I figured it was long over due to find a recipe to use them up.  I decided to make this peach crisp in my crockpot to make it simpler and faster.  My house smelled wonderful this morning as it cooked.  My kids weren't big fans of the cobbler part, but the girls both liked the actual peaches.  This recipe calls for coconut and walnuts (although I used almonds) and my kids didn't like the texture.  I think they would have enjoyed it more if it had oatmeal in it.  I enjoyed this recipe though, and am OK with not sharing.

2 lbs fresh (or thawed from frozen) peaches, roughly chopped
¼ cup pure maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

Crumb topping:
1½ cups walnut halves (I used slivered almonds)
½ cup shredded unsweetened coconut
2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
1 tablespoon melted coconut oil
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon almond extract

If you want to see the original instructions on making this in the oven, click here.  Below is my version which went straight into the crockpot.

Place the frozen peaches in a crockpot (I lined mine with a liner to make clean-up easier), and mix with the maple syrup, vanilla extract, and cinnamon.  Cover and turn on high for about an hour.

Mix all of the ingredients for the crumb topping in a food processor.  Pour over the peaches, cover, and continue cooking for about 3 more hours or until the peaches are softened.  This was good as is, but would have been even better topped with some vanilla bean ice cream.  :) 

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